Wednesday, July 7, 2010

University of Sunderland- Singapore

Official Website:

Sunderland is the top climber of all UK universities in any of the subject league tables.

The Business School rank 14th in Guardian league in 2011.

Sunderland has achieved 52nd place overall in the University Guide.

Other winners are Pharmacy & Pharmacology (20th) placed top of all North East universities, and placed top of the North East's new universities are: English (25th), Law (33rd), Media (52nd) and Psychology (33rd).

Where can you take it?

Tyndale Institute

Singapore offers world-class education and implements the Commonwealth policy of "elite education system", which emphasizes on talent development.

Living expenses in Singapore are as low as 1/3 - 1/2 of Britain, the United States, or Australia.

Singapore enforces strict laws, and is regarded as a secure garden nation.

Singapore is also ranked as one of the top five countries suitable for human habitation by the United Nations (UN).

Retrieved from:

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